Thursday 15 July 2021

Tweeting better stories, episode seven: June 2021

Wanting to find a lighter-hearted way I offer readers this seventh post in a series.

At 6.02am on 9 June I saw this strange drawing!

At 9.37am on 25 June I saw this web page from a magazine I used to write for.

At 8.11am on 27 June I saw this:


At 8.08pm on 30 June the following appeared:

At 2.32pm on 9 June I saw a strange post (see below). It’s evidently a spoof, and I think it’s designed to throw the critique back on all of the people who’ve been launching oddities that draw on ideas of nationhood, loyalty, and identity Meghan Markle’s conduct has resuscitated.


At 6.51am on 11 June I saw this post:

At 8.50am on 17 June I saw this strange confluence of posts on Twitter:

At 7.38am on 26 June I saw this meditation on existence (with a culinary metaphor to close it out).


At 6.54am on 7 June I saw the following in my feed. The confluence of the two posts struck me – and this would happen again this month (two posts sitting next to each other, talking to each other) – and so I cropped this JPG for my records before the posts disappeared into the noise.

At 12.04pm on 20 June I saw this:

At 1.30pm on 5 June I saw the following online:


At 2.58pm on 21 June I saw this photo:

Books and ideas

At 5.51am on 10 June the following appeared:

At 2.17pm on 22 June I saw this tweet in my feed:

At 1.34pm on 28 June I saw this item (poor man!):


At 3.40am on 25 June I saw this French tweet. It says that people who stutter have a third small brain tied to their spleen. “This evolutionary advantage allows them to survive at least three days after decapitation.” Fishy!

At 6.59pm on 27 June I saw this piece of self-reflection (I assume she’s being sarcastic and is not, in actual fact, insane):

At 4.42pm on 29 June I saw this reflection on mortality:

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