Monday 17 August 2015


It's tremendously heartening to learn of Tony Abbott's poll problems, which emerged in the last few days, and that show him trailing by - for him - no doubt an alarming margin. Liberals of the small-"l" type must have just a little more of a spring in their step today as they trudge to work in the chill of a late winter morning.

The poll figures augur well for the election due next year, as the current year wanes inexorably. Things haven't been this good for those on the left since February this year, when backbenchers in Abbott's party threatened to unseat him if he didn't change his way of operating. Of course, the new way he assembled following the almost-coup has made no difference to the way the electorate perceives Abbott because he's just such a transparent diddler.

Surrounding himself in press conferences with phalanxes of flags and standing up before the cameras alongside representatives of law enforcement agencies just won't cut it any more, it seems. There are only so many scare campaigns you can trot out to boost your standing in the polls, only so many worthy nationalistic causes you can bleat about in the public arena before people start to get wise to your motives. Abbott has evidently reached the point of no return. The people just aren't listening any more, Tony. Give up.

What we need at this point in the electoral cycle is for Abbott to mercifully stand aside and surrender the podium of leadership up to the next in line, which would be Malcolm Turnbull. I have a lot more time for Turnbull than for Abbott - both are products of the private education system - because he seems a little bit less bothered by an invisible friend in the sky than the Catholic-educated Abbott does. Turnbull lived in his childhood just up the road from where my mother had  her gift shop, so I know his background well. Abbott went to a Jesuit-led school. Nuff sed.

So goodbye, Tony. It was often entertaining entertaining your odd notions about what is good and just in the world, but in the main it was tiresomely irritating to listen to them day after day. And good riddance too. Don't bother closing the door on your way out, we have someone else to do that now. Sayonara. Just ... go away.

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