
Sunday 4 April 2021

Tweeting better stories, episode four: March 2021

Wanting to find a lighter-hearted way I offer readers this fourth post in a series.

The following appeared on 20 March at 9.32am.

A bit of depth appeared on 31 March at 7.45am (Sydney time):

A passage to India

On 7 March at 6.33pm I saw this completely incomprehensible tweet:

More craziness at 4.43pm on 11 March with this strange tweet:


On 8 March at 8.54am this was in my feed:

On 16 March at 7.52am I saw this tweet:

On 16 March at 7.52am I saw this:

An inventive ad for computers took this idea and grew it into an animation. I saw this on 17 March at 9.31am.

On 17 March at 10.24am the following was visible in my feed:


On 27 March at 10.17am this appeared:

On 30 March at 1.18pm this appeared:

Art and poetry

At 7.11am on 1 March I saw the following in my feed. I don’t remember which feed this was – I operate a number of different Twitter accounts – but I take this entry as an opening for possibilities beyond the normal run of things that you see every day. 

On the 3rd in the morning on Facebook I saw the following photograph posted by someone I’m connected with.

This brings me back to some tweets of two days earlier, which introduced some quotes from last century relating to the idea of a man-machine demonstrated by the above image.

On 11 March at 5.33pm this appeared in my feed:

On 28 March at 4.09pm this appeared:


On 5 March at 5.32am the following silly meme appeared in my feed:

Two minutes later I saw the following:

At 6.08am I saw this idiotic meme:

On 7 march at 7.24am I saw this clever tweet:

On 11 March at 4.40pm this appeared in my feed:


On 6 March at 9.34am I saw this:

On 14 March at 1.07pm I saw this tweet:


On 6 March at 6.32am I saw this tweet:

The next day at 6.57am I saw this:

On 13 March at 6.54pm this appeared:

On 15 March at 9.23am I saw this:

On 22 March at 6.11am this appeared:


On 3 March at 12.37pm I saw the following vacuous stab at the collective consciousness:

On 7 March at 6.13pm I saw this:

The next morning at 8.49am the following appeared:

On 12 March at 7.35am the following was seen:

On 13 March at 8.33am this appeared:

On 21 March at 8.25am this appeared:

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