
Monday 2 August 2021

Tweeting better stories, episode eight: July 2021

Wanting to find a lighter-hearted way I offer readers this eighth post in a series.

This rather incomprehensible tweet appeared at 6.47am on 15 July:

I was left scratching my head also when I read this (it appeared at 9.17pm on 19 July):

More strangeness appeared in a tweet at 6.26pm on 29 July:

More oddness with regard to Harry coming in at 8.30am on 30 July:


At 5.29pm on 1 July I saw this tweet in my feed:

At 3.21am on 2 July I saw this:

At 6.21pm on 19 July this tweet appeared:

This appeared at 4.47am on 28 July:


At 5.22pm on 3 July I saw this tweet:

It came with a photograph that I liked (see below).

At 10.37am on 27 July these two posts appeared in my feed:

At 4.43pm on 31 July this appeared to comfort me (and due to its theme it really did provide comfort when I was feeling especially vulnerable):

The body

At 5.23pm on 3 July I saw this:

This strange tweet (which appeared at 5.20pm on 5 July) came from an account that is often busy with odd messages, so I shouldn’t have been surprised!

At 5.12am on 9 July this tweet (which appeared to me to be making a lot of sense):

And on 11 July at 5.42pm this one appeared (it seemed to refer to the previous one):

Plants and animals

At 6.23am on 6 July this appeared:

At 3.15am on 12 July this rather dry (but interesting) tweet appeared in my feed:

On 14 July at 1.01pm the following appeared:

At 2.41am on 15 July the following two tweets appeared:

The full poem about the loons is, as follows:

At 4.46am on 18 July this appeared in my feed:

This appeared at 8.03am on 20 July:

At 1.21pm on 29 July this appeared:


At 4.57am on 7 July this appeared in my feed (two tweets right next to one another):

At 5.30am on 16 July the following appeared:

The reader

I enjoyed this pair of tweets that appeared at 5.48am on 13 July:

The Italian in the first one reads:

Sounds and resounds the far sea.
This is a door.
Here I love you.

(‘Here I love you’ by Pablo Neruda.)

At 6.42pm on 23 July this tweet appeared:

A succinct guide for readers was presented to me at 6.14pm on 24 July:

At 7.28am on 26 July this was visible to me:


At 6.21am on 21 July this appeared:

And the next day at 7.24am this appeared:

At 10.39am on 25 July this appeared:


This strange and quite beautiful tweet appeared at 12.49pm on 17 July:

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