
Sunday 1 August 2021

Grocery shopping list for July 2021

This post is the thirty-first in a series and the tenth to chronicle diets. 

1 June

Morning weigh-in had me at 86.2kg. Later, I checked my bank balance and saw the Campos refund had gone through. It was almost as much as a full bag of coffee costs, almost $30 – so worth my spending time and effort to make a short telephone call. I had had several emails from Australia Post about my PO box – presumably including the coffee – so resolved to visit the place when I went out on morning errands. While at Broadway Shopping Centre I stopped by at Coles and bought (see receipt below) tuna steaks, ling fillets, barramundi fillets, mullet fillets, low-carb bread, milk, strawberries, red Leicester cheese, brie, and marinaded goats’ cheese.

4 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 85.7kg. Later, went to IGA and bought (see receipt below) chicken wings, a pear, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, mushrooms, gouda, Bega Tasty cheese, and low-carb snacks.

My calorie count for the week just past was:

My activity chart was:

My macronutrient chart was:

6 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 85.1kg. Later, went to IGA and bought (see receipt below) Jatz crackers, zucchini, cucumbers, milk, and hummus.

7 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.7kg. Later went to IGA and bought (see receipt below) a T-bone steak, cos lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, rice, a packet of Kingston biscuits (a friend was staying over – I wasn’t breaking my diet!), a capsicum, toilet paper, taramosalata, shallots, and low-carb snacks.

8 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.5kg. Later, my houseguest went to IGA and bought a kiwi fruit, oranges, potatoes, mushrooms, milk, lemon friands sluice, fefferoni, and lamb cutlets. I also went to IGA and bought (see receipt below) bread, sauerkraut, T-bone steak, chillies, gouda, Jarlsberg, and macadamia nuts apples. Later went to Woolies and bought marinaded goat’s cheese, cheddar cheese and Brazil nuts.

12 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.4kg. My past week’s intake was, as follows:

My activity chart looked like this:

My macronutrient chart looked like this:

Later, went to Coles and bought (see receipt below) barramundi fillets, salmon fillets, a snapper fillet, chicken wings, an avocado, apples, brie, and mayonnaise.

14 July
Morning weigh-in had me at 84.2kg. Later, went to IGA and bought (see receipt below) milk, eggs, sliced pastrami, sliced chicken breast, pears, a capsicum, taramosalata, rump steak, Monte Carlo biscuits, and low-carb snacks.

16 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.4kg. Later, went to Coles and bought (see receipt below) sliced pastrami, ham, bacon, cold turkey breast, broccolini, cauliflower, pecans, Brazil nuts, an avocado, low-carb snacks, canola oil, hot English mustard, and sandwich bags.

19 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.3kg. My week’s calorie intake looked like this:

My activity chart was:

And my macronutrient chart was:

20 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 83.7kg. Later went to buy petrol and picked up some water in bottles for the car.

21 July

Went to Woolworths in Pyrmont and bought (see receipt below) hummus, plums, oranges, kiwi fruit, broccolini, Brussel sprouts, onions (red and brown), zucchini, maasdam cheese, d’Affinois cheese, and a block of Bega Tasty cheese.

24 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.1kg. Later, went to Woolies and bought (see receipt below) dumplings (some with pork and some without), meatballs, broccoli, a capsicum, an onion, milk, beef meatballs, apples, and an avocado.

25 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84.7kg. Later, went to Coles and bought (see receipt below) barramundi fillets, smoked salmon fillets, tuna steaks, Scotch fillet steak, lamb chops, eggs, walnuts, mushrooms, mouthwash, and washing up liquid.

In the evening my neighbour waved to me as I was driving into the garage and I popped out to see what was happening. She’d received produce from Woolies and was giving it away so I scored apples, potatoes, pumpkin, capsicum, cabbage, shallots, and broccolini.

My week’s calorie count looked like this:

The activity chart was:

And the macronutrient chart was:

27 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 84kg. Later was at Woolies and bought bread for my house guest.

28 July

Morning weigh-in had me at 83.7kg. Later, went to Coles and bought (see receipt below) bread, mayonnaise, comte cheese, brie, red Leicester cheese, taramosalata, low carb snacks, and toilet paper. Today a friend gave me a packet of 10 face masks because I’d been unable to find them on the shelves at Coles; a staffer said they were available at the service counter but there the sales clerk was busy with other customers so I didn’t wait to ask about the item before proceeding to the checkout.

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