Monday, 16 October 2017

Wentworth Park rough sleepers have gone

Last Thursday Lanz Priestley put up on his Facebook page a notice that the rough sleepers in Wentworth Park were being evicted from where they had had their tents set up under the railway viaduct’s arches. Yesterday when I was on my way up to Newtown to do some shopping I snapped this photo showing the empty arches. And on the way home I went around the other way so that I could see if they had been moved on from the other side of the park too. They had been. So Lanz was right: the rough sleepers have been moved on. And there were two City Rangers in the park when I was walking back home yesterday too, no doubt to make sure the rough sleepers don’t come back.


Christine said...

So where are they now? That is the story.

Matthew da Silva said...

I wrote about where they were taken in a later post.