
Wednesday 16 August 2017

Swifts on an unseasonally warm winter's day

Today I headed off through Wentworth Park to Glebe to go to the office supplies store, and on the way I saw dozens of swifts skimming the grass, banking, and turning in tight circles. I went under the railway viaduct through the empty opening you can see in the photo, and there was a deep pit in the earth under the arch, big enough to cause someone to fall and hurt themselves if they crossed through there in the dark of night.

It was a windy day. On the other side of the viaduct the topsoil was blowing off the ground where the grass has been denuded by the soccer players who use the fields on weekends. The grass gets wet with rain, and the ground stays boggy, then the people play their games and all the grass is destroyed.

Further down near the racetrack there were men and women setting up tables and chairs and awnings. I asked a man why they were doing this and he said, "We've got the movies. They're shooting somewhere down there," indicating with his hand. On one table was an espresso machine. On my way up St Johns Road I saw in Darling Street a truck with its back doors open, and witches hats set up to cordon off some parking spots, as well as some tents, so I guessed that one of the terrace houses in that street was the place they were doing the filming.

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