
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Roxanne the dog, Pitt Street Mall

Yesterday I stopped in Pitt Street Mall and gave five dollars to a man who had his dog in his lap and was stroking her head. Just before I came up to him the dog shifted position and got up to stand on the pavement. I asked if I could take a photo of the dog and the owner warned me that the dog had eaten the mobile phones of other people. "She's eaten mine too," he said. The dog's name is Roxanne.

I stood back and took this photo, then asked if he had trouble getting food on the street. He said he went to Martin Place in the evening, when the food truck comes, but that hundreds of people were there for that reason every day, so that there was competition for available food. "Even people with homes and that," he said. "It's unbelievable."

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