
Sunday 4 July 2021

Take two: Genet: A Biography, Edmund White

For a full review, see my Patreon

This funny-looking edition has an odd cover that appears to have been reproduced from an official published original and then used to reprint a pirate copy. It has about it the air of an undergraduate spoof. How it got into my collection – and exactly how long ago – are both complete mysteries, but it has sat unread since then. A long time ago I was intrigued by people like the subject of this book. That was in another life, and in the years since I’ve become more conservative and a good deal more crusty though, like Genet, there have always been things far more important to me than mere politics. I thought it was time for me to revisit old haunts and to take a step back from my current life to try and image what made Genet compelling for me when I was young.

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