
Wednesday 3 March 2021

Tweeting better stories, episode three: February 2021

Wanting to find a lighter-hearted way I offer readers this third post in a series.

The following tweet appeared at 8.04pm on 6 February. 

Who indeed? Might anyone care? It’s funny to imagine how people get excited about obscure facts that can have little to do with how their lives are lived each day, in a job somewhere doing boring things in a stable routine. Perhaps it is the contrast between the existential dilemma of the routine and the fantastic escape offered – for a moment, or an hour – by the hobby they nurture. We crave freedom and it comes in many forms.

The following appeared at 2.06am on 10 February. CAD monkey handle is @bhrarchinerd and the account being tweeted is @presentcorrect.

It came with this image. I worked for companies in the 80s and 90s that made control systems and products, and my father was also a controls engineer. So I have some history with this type of equipment. Control rooms are locations in industrial plants and in commercial and government buildings where staff work during daylight and dark.

This appeared in my timeline at 7.47pm on 16 February:

What struck me with this was the sheer number of hashtags as well as the idea that any of these speech anchors could allow the person sending out the post to connect with other, like-minded individuals. It just proves that there’s an entire community of people out there in the ether who might tune into #99cents – but what on earth does it mean?!

On 18 February at 7.39am the following appeared in my socials.


Apologies for the topicality of this, as I had on an earlier occasion promised to avoid things related to politics – but this tweet, which appeared in my feed at 7.36am on 2 February, was too good to avoid on account of a mere editorial policy.

The translation of this goes: “A woman did her aerobics class without realizing that the coup was taking place in Myanmar. And well she can be seen as the military convoy reaches the parliament.”

Plants and animals

At 8.46am on 5 February the following appeared. Bill’s Twitter handle is @Billablog.

At 6.08am on 8 February the following appeared. It was a video of a leopard snuggling up to a human.

On 22 February at 2.53pm the following appeared in my socials. This car is being snuggled up to in a very determined manner. By a tree!

The following, enigmatic tweet was seen at 4.55pm on 4 February. (Smuggling, here, not snuggling.)

On 12 February at 7.01am this appeared in my timeline:

Here’s the image in full:

Stalkers or voyeurs

@rpkclyhrk73 tweeted on 9 February at 8pm, “When I saw him, he was also watching me:”

The following tweet appeared in my timeline at 7.14am on 16 February:

Here’s this person’s profile:

On 25 February at 5.54am the following appeared in my socials.


I saw a surprising number of erotic posts on Twitter this month, starting with this one, which appeared in my feed on 3 February at 1.11pm. This person’s Twitter handle is @alexmmm.

It came with this image.

The following tweet appeared at 7.48pm on 9 February.

It came with this image:

On 13 February at 7.36pm the following appeared in my timeline:

And on 15 February at 2.06pm this appeared:


On a related note, the following tweet appeared in my feed at 5.25am on 7 February.

The translation is, as follows.
I just saw #Pieles on @NetflixES, @ educasanova12’s debut, produced by @alexdelaIglesia. The film captures the lives of different people with deformities. I must admit that it is both original and profound. It's special!
Then there were the erotic fanfic tweets, starting with this one, which appeared at 6.12am on 8 February. The handle for this use is @Mehsi_Hime. Like the other ones in this section, the imagery is completely artificial and designed to titillate, whereas the previous image had been honest and open. The striking difference emphasised by the fact that, on the one hand, photography was the medium and, on the other, illustration – a more flexible and malleable medium.

It came with this image.

At 9.21am on 9 February appeared this one. This person has the following handle: @ArtOyasumi.

The tweet came with this image.

At 5.08am on 10 February appeared this one. This was also put in the feed by @Mehsi_Hime.

It came with this image.

1 comment:

  1. As to the first tweet, aren't you being a mite condescending? Yes, many ordinary people (if not you) have boring jobs with a stable routine, but why should they not be curious about a character depicted in a film which claims based to some extent on actual events? OK, tweeting is a pretty lazy way to approach this, but who can forget Peter Doherty and Dan Murphy opening hours?
