
Monday 1 June 2020

Grocery shopping list for May 2020

This post is the seventeenth in a series and the third with rona. 

1 May

Drove to Woolworths and bought salmon fillets, smoked hake fillets, bacon, sliced sorpressa, oats, a sultana butter cake, bhuja, Tim Tams, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). I had to go back into the store after putting the bags in the car boot as, initially, I forgot the oats. At the carpark exit, I drove straight out after the automatic boom gate opened; the company had newly installed a payment system where, on entry, a camera takes a photo of your number plate and there’s no paper ticket to carry. Later on, in the afternoon, I popped out on foot and bought two six-packs of Carlton Zero at the bottle shop.

3 May

Drove to Woolies and, getting out of the car, out of my pocket dropped the $1 and $2 coins I had brought for the shopping trolley deposit. You need to leave a “gold” coin in a device on the trolley to use it. Standing outside my car, I heard a coin hit the ground and scatter, so I dropped to my knees to try to find it, but failed to do so. Obeying a hunch, I opened the car door and saw the $1 coin sitting on the driver’s seat where it had fallen out of my pocket, to where I returned it.

I walked upstairs to the supermarket and bought (see receipt below) sliced pastrami, lamb soup, lentil soup, a container of “spiced roasted cauliflower and winter veg”, olive oil spread, a cos lettuce, bread, Jatz crackers, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar).

Back in the carpark, I inadvertently found, on the pavement next to the car, the dropped $2 coin – I’d unwittingly stepped over it on the way inside – then drove home and unpacked, putting everything away.

6 May

Popped in at Woolworths and bought fillet steak, milk, Bega cheese, lentil salad, couscous and pumpkin salad, apples, blueberries, Tim Tams, bhuja, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar).

The witch’s hats outside the entrance of the store had been taken away and Coles had announced that from Friday 8 May trading rules would return to normal, but with opening hours extended and stores opening their doors at 6am. Previously, the first hour of trade – from 7am to 8am on weekdays – was reserved for certain categories of shopper, such as the elderly and those employed in essential services (firefighters, police, nurses etcetera). 

8 May

Went across the road to the bottle shop and bought two six-packs of Carlton Zero.

11 May

Drove to Woolworths and bought (see receipt below) a barramundi fillet, sliced Hungarian salami, sliced sorpressa with fennel, sliced ham, Edam cheese, lentil salad, an oakleaf lettuce, apples, blueberries, a sultana butter cake, bhuja, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar).

12 May

Drove to Woolies and bought tomato soup, lamb soup, pea and ham soup, a container of “spiced roasted cauliflower and winter veg,” bread, instant oats, bhuja, Tim Tams, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). After unpacking everything and putting it away I had to remind myself, again, to wash my hands. Ended up with perfumed hands!

14 May

Drove to Woolworths and bought (see receipt below) salmon fillets, smoked hake fillets, cauliflower soup, tomato soup, milk, blueberries, sundried tomatoes, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). On the way back home it rained.

16 May

First day of reduced restrictions for cafes and restaurants. Walked to the pharmacy and while in the arcade I popped in at Coles and bought (see receipt below) pork chops, artichoke hearts, coleslaw, couscous and pumpkin salad, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). After I got home it rained.

19 May

Drove to Woolworths and bought couscous and pumpkin salad, bean salad, tomato soup, lamb soup, “butter-chicken style” soup, blueberries, sultana butter cake, Tim Tams, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). As I was checking out a shop clerk came up to me and suggested that, using her login, I multiply the bottles to make the addition and, once I had understood her meaning, I asked, “Why?” She retreated to her spot near the exit of the area of the floor in which the automated machines sit and I completed the transaction without her help. As I was leaving the area she said, “Thank you, and sorry for that.” I hadn’t seen a need to take up her offer given how the company had put up signs all over the place, even on the floor of the garage entryway, telling people to keep their distance.

21 May

Drove to Woolies and bought (see receipt below) an oakleaf lettuce, blueberries, apples, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). In the afternoon, I went to the bottle shop and bought two six-packs of Carlton Zero.

22 May 

Popped in at Woolies while out, and bought roasted cauliflower and kasundi salad, coleslaw, bread, Tim Tams, and milk.

25 May

Drove to Woolworths and bought (see receipt below) rump steak, lamb cutlets, sliced pastrami, sliced roast beef, sundried tomatoes, a jar of chargrilled capsicum, pickled gherkins, Bega cheese, lentil salad, a container of spiced roasted cauliflower and “winter vegetables”, pea and ham soup, lamb soup, an oakleaf lettuce, apples, blueberries, wholegrain mustard, bhuja, Calbee “Harvest Snaps”, milk, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar). 

Later I had to pop in at the tailor’s, and so stopped by Woolies and bought instant oats, Tim Tams, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar).

26 May 

Had an errand to do and while out I stopped by Woolworths and bought smoked hake fillets, a Nile perch fillet, sliced ham, an oakleaf lettuce, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar).

27 May

Had an errand to do locally and while I was out I popped in at Coles and bought flavoured, no-sugar mineral water.

28 May

Had to go to the CBD and on the way back I stopped to have a haircut, then popped in at Woolworths and bought (see receipt below) fillet steak, eggs, hummus with harissa, rollmops, mushrooms, tomatoes, chillies, an onion, a container of sundried tomatoes, a carrot cake, sesame crackers, and bhuja.

29 May

Drove to Woolies and parked, then popped into the tailor’s for a moment to pick up dry cleaning. At the supermarket, on the way back to the car, I bought couscous with pumpkin, lentil salad, cauliflower soup, and flavoured mineral water (no-sugar).

31 May

Went to the bottle shop and bought a six-pack of Carlton Zero, then to the convenience store and bought Jatz crackers and Doritos.

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