
Thursday 12 April 2018

Demolition of brutalist building on Martin Place

This photo was taken today on Castlereagh Street. It shows a mechanised jackhammer demolishing the building at 39 Martin Place, a building that I wrote about on the blog in December. This elegant brutalist pile will be replaced with something that gives easy access to the train station underneath. When the building was being planned, in 1969, the Eastern Suburbs Railway was still being designed, so the integration of the new building with its underground concourse was not properly realised. But it’s a shame that such a lovely Modernist artefact is being casually demolished merely in order to realise more profit from a tony central site. When does the endless cycle of demolition and construction stop?

If you want to read the whole post on the building, go to 30 December last year on this blog.

UPDATE 1 March 2019, 11.25am: I took this photo (below) today to show that the building has been completely destroyed. There is a crane set up in Martin Place to assist with the construction of the new building that is to go on the site.

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