
Monday 30 October 2017

Wentworth Park rough sleepers get housing

Earlier this month I reported that the rough sleepers in Wentworth Park, Ultimo, had been moved on from where they had their tents set up under the railway viaduct's arches. I contacted the City of Sydney Council and they said that the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) had conducted some outreach for the residents in the park. I contacted the department and they told me:
FACS, in partnership with City of Sydney and a number of NGOs, conducted outreach at Wentworth Park to offer temporary accommodation and housing to people who are homeless.  
A total of 29 people in Wentworth Park accepted offers of temporary accommodation. FACS is now working with them to access permanent long term housing. From late March to the end of September 2017, 165 people previously sleeping rough in Martin Place, Belmore Park and Wentworth Park have been housed in long term permanent accommodation. 
FACS undertakes regular outreach in partnership with homelessness services with the view that the sooner people enter into permanent housing with support, the higher the chance that they will not return to homelessness.

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