
Sunday 23 July 2017

A walk on a sunny Sunday

Today I decided to go to Enmore for some Egyptian food and so I went out the back of the building and down to Wentworth Park. It was a sunny day but the wind was quite cold. I wore a slicker against the wind.
The photo above shows the tents of rough sleepers under the railway viaduct in Wentworth Park, Ultimo.
The photo above shows the new construction hoarding that has been put up in Wentworth Park. The state government is going to build a new school in the area behind the hoarding, up against the greyhound track.
They're renovating this shop on King Street, Newtown (above). Shops on King Street command high rents because the area is very popular as an entertainment precinct for young people. This used to be a Japanese restaurant.
There's always someone begging outside the supermarket on King Street near the cinema (above). When I was walking back home the other way there were two beggars in this spot.
This photo above shows defaced ads belonging to a popular global sportswear brand. The company had tried to sidestep taggers by making their ads look like graffiti, but the street artists just took a paintbrush to the whole thing.
Enterprising businesspeople put up ads on traffic signal poles, like the one shown above that was on a pole in Enmore.
My lunch (above) at Cairo restaurant on Enmore Road.
Indian mynahs are fearless little birds (above). This one is eating something off Enmore Road while the traffic glides right past him.
A beautiful Art Deco facade on this building on King Street, Newtown (above).
At the university looking down City Road toward the central business district (above).
In the photo above you can see someone is advertising in the street for a roommate. This traffic signal pole is outside the Broadway Shopping Centre.
They're constructing new public housing on Bay Street in Glebe (above).

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