
Wednesday 12 July 2017

A hot bowl of noodles

This morning I went out and after stopping to get a button sewn back on a pair of trousers I dropped a book off at the post office, before making my way to the psychiatrist's office. He asked me about my dieting because that is a health issue and he is interested in my health. I said that I had cinched my belt in another notch, but that things were happening slowly these days in terms of weight loss. He seemed pleased, but told me that eating fast usually meant you ate more. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it has taken food in, apparently, so if you eat too fast your stomach doesn't have time to let the brain know about the food it is taking in.

After the session with him I left the building and went out walking with my umbrella. It was raining lightly, almost not at all, but as I went along the promenade through Darling Harbour the rain strengthened. Despite the rain the children were still going round and round the temporary skating rink near the water. A woman wearing a hijab and a loose black garment skated quickly along in the direction I was walking in. I went to Chinatown across the bridge at Liverpool Street but by the time I got to Dixon Street it was coming down heavily and I ducked into a small restaurant instead of taking a longer walk. I ordered a bowl of noodles with soup and sat down, taking the remote announcer they gave me when I paid.

After the food arrived I ate all of it. I had made a promise to cut down on carbs but the volume of noodles here was not enormous so I felt as though I hadn't broken my diet. You have to treat yourself occasionally, anyway, I thought. I left the place and headed back home, sloshing through the puddles. There was a lot of water on the ground in the Darling Harbour precinct and my shoes soon became completely soaked. They are not designed for use in the wet. Poor choice, I thought to myself, but since I didn't have any other walking shoes it was bound to happen. I made a note to buy another pair of shoes.

Once home I stripped off wet shoes, socks and trousers and put the trousers in the tumble dryer.

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