
Friday 17 February 2017

Heavy rain in the afternoon

This morning I got up fairly early because the intercom buzzed when the postie came to deliver my coffee, but I didn't make it to the intercom on time to let him in. I went back to bed and slept for another hour or so, then got up to make some coffee. After drinking a cup I went back to bed and then got up later to iron the shirts. While I was ironing them the girl called for a chat.

I went out to have some lunch at a Japanese restaurant and then after lunch went to the post office to pick up the coffee.

When I got home I went back to bed for a nap and slept for a couple of hours but there were too many messages coming through from the girl and other people, so I didn't sleep much. When I got up I had some wine and sat down at the computer. I bought a ticket to Aladdin for the girl and me to celebrate her birthday, and then an email came through about the property purchase in Japan, which I attended to.

In the mail in the morning there had been the letter which I had sent to my ex-wife's friend's son. He had moved to Sydney to play soccer and she was worried about him and he was living in my suburb so I said I would contact him. Unfortunately, they gave me the wrong address so the letter came back to sender. I confirmed the address with my ex-wife later, and it turned out to have been wrong. The young man contacted me on Facebook and so I can use Messenger to talk with him from now on.

It rained heavily later in the afternoon and I started to write a poem but it didn't feel right, with the alcohol and everything, so I deleted the two lines I had written and closed the file. At least we have seen the last of the worst of the summer heat for this year. It's pretty certain that we'll have nothing to equal what we had last weekend again,at least this year. Which is a blessing. I feel immensely grateful that we have seen the worst of the heat over for the immediate future. What next year will bring, is still to be seen.

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