
Saturday 11 February 2017

At the costume shop

Last night the girl really wanted to go out so I arranged to meet her at Mr Wong in Bridge Street in the city. I caught a cab there; the cab was dropping someone off outside my apartment building when I got downstairs and I got straight in and went off. We drove across the Western Distributor to King Street, then up to Elizabeth Street, and into Bridge Street. I waited outside for about 10 minutes before she arrived, and in that time I made a booking with the front staff for a table for two.

When she arrived we stood around waiting for most of an hour and when we finally got to the table she was convinced that other people had got seats before us. I wasn't convinced they hadn't either, but said nothing. She, on the other hand, told off one of the wait staff. We ordered fried rice, wonton soup, and some steamed fish fillet with a delicious sesame sauce. I ate mine rapidly because it was so delicious, which is why when she said that she wouldn't go to Mr Wong any more I was disappointed.

When the meal was finished and I had paid we went outside and proceeded to the taxi rank on Bridge Street, and got in a cab, then went home. It was quite late when we got home so we went straight to bed. We got up this morning quite late and made some breakfast, including fried eggs, tomato salad, and fried mushrooms with some fried cashew nuts. Then we got in the car and I started driving to her place but when we got to Euston Road in Alexandria she saw a sign for a shop selling costumes, and went "Ah!" It was hard to find a parking space so I didn't stop but she kept on talking about the shop so just before arriving at her place I turned around and went back to the costume shop.

It was hot inside the shop - which is situated in an old warehouse, with poor ventilation - but we made our way around inside, looking at hats - policeman's cap, soldier's berets, a Turkish fez, a ghost hat - and costumes - a British Bobbie's costumes, a sci-fi princess costume, a 19th century Dandy's costume and others - before she decided on a burgundy velvet top hat, which I bought for her. When we had almost decided on buying the green Turkish fez - and then decided against it - we left the shop and went next door to the cafe where she ordered a vanilla slushie and I ordered a flat white. We sat down at the tables in the cafe to drink our drinks.

When we had finished the drinks we went to her place and since there was no available parking space I let her out and drove back to my place. I noticed that the car lights were set on a different setting - because I had taken the car into the garage to be serviced last week - and switched them back to the normal 'Auto' setting. I came upstairs and opened a beer then opened one of the bottles of wine I had bought yesterday afternoon at the bottle shop up the street.

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