
Friday, 24 November 2006

Haruki Murakami thinks the best is yet to come. In an interview with Nick Jones of The Prague Post, Murakami reveals a little more about himself. He does this each time he's interviewed, always in his Tokyo office.

Each book he writes represents a journey inside himself, he says. "I'm just sketching what I saw in the darkness," he says. "Sometimes it's fun, [but] sometimes it's dangerous, so I have to protect myself. That's why I'm running every day. You have to be physically strong to survive that darkness."

Thanks to Dogmatika for the heads up.


  1. What an interesting quote. Now to read the complete article.

  2. Reminds me of the review of Stephen King's latest in last weekend's Spectrum - the protagonist draws inspiration from a dark pool:

    "Sometimes the really brave fisherfolk - the Austens, the Dostoevskys, the Faulkners - even launch boats and go out to where the big ones swim but that pool is tricky. It's bigger than it looks, it's deeper than any man can tell, and it changes aspect, especially after dark."

  3. It's interesting, isn't it, how you use metaphor habitually to describe your metier. I guess all professionals get into the habit of doing this. It's way, perhaps, of fighting the demons. A distancing mechanism.
